Friday 23 March 2012

Why is he waiting in the middle of the road indicating?

So today's big moan apart from motorcyclists has to be the impatient prats who cant wait for people to turn.  I needed to stop of at a shop to pick up some milk so stopped at a particular store owned by the company currently trying to take over the world.  As I pulled up to the entrance of the car park I noticed a small white van waiting to pull out and so rather than trying to squeeze past him in an already packed car park, I thought I would hold back and let him out (after all, I am a gentleman).  Unfortunately the two cars behind me couldn't wait as they have such awesome jobs which they couldn't wait to get to.  So these two over take us, but still he couldn't pull out because of two cyclists who rather than than go past on the left side, decided to go round and out in front of oncoming traffic.
Why do these people think I'm waiting here with my indicator on?  Is it really going to matter waiting 5 seconds for another car to pull out?  Anyway the road became clear, so the white van pulled out, we both looked at each other laughed and shook our heads as he put his hand up to thank me for waiting.
It doesn't end there, as soon as he had gone I noticed some twat in a Peugeot RCZ convertible had parked behind blocking the whole entrance, WELL DONE DICKHEAD.  This prompted my usual over reaction and shouting of "Get out of the fuckin way you wanker".

Put me in the perfect mood for Mr Piaggio.

At least the drive home this evening was event less and peaceful, maybe its because the weekend is here and I'm calmly singing along to Jesse J.  "Dirty dancing in the moonlight, Take me down like I'm a domino."

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