Thursday 17 May 2012

Been a While

Its been a while since I posted on here, but that doesnt mean I've had nothing to moan about. I have plenty, just most of the time too tired to bother.  Its not just traffic either, I'm fighting this constant war with the idiots who cycle on the path up Duke Street or the muppets who think the 22 stone 6ft 2 bloke will disappear when they get to him.

I swear Mrs Jazz is driving a Fusion these days, it drives all over the place just like her and heads the same way up St Augustines (via the pavement).

The prize this week has to go to the prat in the BMW coming up Silver Road who thought the Silver Fiesta coming the other way was an illusion. I have no where to go you muppet, theres no point carrying on trying to squeeze your way past.  Just effin wait!  Nope, not gonna, instead he smashed his wing mirror on mine.  Luckily mine didnt break, his did though, that will teach you.

Theres so many things to moan about, I need to start posting daily again.

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