Tuesday 10 April 2012

Need more Happy Pills

Been a bit quiet over the last week.  Its not because I haven't anything to rant about, there's plenty, cyclists, pedestrians, not indicating, being in my way.   The pills have run out so I'm back.

Still can't understand why some cyclists are too thick to use the cycle path on Duke Street and continue to cycle up the pavement on the other side?  Why do you think its there?  I've started playing chicken with them, see who has to move first shall we?

Indicating has always been a pet hate in Norwich, if its not idiots going (sorry GAWN) around the roundabouts without indicating (yeah, can read your fuckin mind, if you have one), its the ones who ignore your indicator and pull out on you.  Maybe they aren't used to the orange flashing light on the side of the car.  You can always tell your back in Norwich, NO-ONE EFFIN INDICATES.

Something else that pisses me off at the moment as well is manners, people not letting you out.  Its a major problem for me sometimes living on a main road, especially in the morning.  There's always queues tailing back from the Boundary lights, so I don't understand why people cant let us out when we are coming out of the drive.  Are you in that much of a hurry to join the back of a queue 5 yards down the road?  Then there's the idiots who block the drive, WTF?  Its not going to kill you to leave some space for me to pull out.
I used to have a rule, kind of a karma thing, if I let someone out, someone will return the favour, LIKE FUCK WILL THEY!  Its the same with filtering in from 2 lanes to one, why can't people filter one from the left, one from the right, why do you have to make sure your in front?  Say thanks as well (or chairs).

I need the voice from Facejacker in my car "cyclist detected" "bus detected, do not move" "Fat man with beard detected"